If there's one thing I can teach the world from my memory in Bulgaria during youth it is the following.
I can say it in one sentence.
Speed up slowly.
When we are kids we do intelligent things slowly. When we become adults and we work we try to work quickly.
What people don't realize is that this leads to mistakes.
Work quickly by doing it slow.
If you have a profession that needs more mental work than physical this is redundant, but could be important if you work in some place like construction.
I assure you, we should get our work done for those people working but, for example...
When a person needs to lift a bucket of cement and transport it to the next floor, it can be pulled fast, but it's important to take a moment to secure the rope to it.
Rarely in the 90's I've seen that some of the cement spills out.
I actually asked a person, because I was thinking architecturally...
Why not put a lid on it before you wrap the rope around the handle?
He smiled.
During the moment that you secure the bucket to the rope, by slowing down your body movement, your brain takes over and starts thinking more than it did before. I'm sure there are better examples.
The only thing I can say aside from all this is, for those of you who like to work fast... if you secure the bucket better, maybe you have the freedom to pull the rope faster?