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Posted by Dormantaccount4 - March 24th, 2024

From memory of eating different foods during childhood I noticed one thing.

Eggs are great for eyesight but they make it worse many years later.

You would have to do case studies and scientific research is the greatest form of trust. Proof is the greatest form of trust.

I doubt anyone will take this seriously but many years from now after scientific studies I'd imagine people looked at me differently. They didn't speak to me. Maybe they felt uncomfortable after it was proven.

This is why I don't like eggs, personally.

Posted by Dormantaccount4 - March 24th, 2024

When I was younger spoke with my father about food. My mother was in the room as well.

I told him "misla che purvite hrane na zemyata koieto sa eftinity sega sa vsushnos nai skupite. Te byaha chas ot nashata dieta za nai dulgo vreme dashe predi da gi rasteme vuv ferme... Ocelahme ot tyah. Afterwards I asked him "imali hrana koyato moje da se posade sama bez da slagame vuv pochvata seme. "Cartofe" he answered.

(I think that the first foods on earth which are less expensive now are actually the most expensive. They were a part of our diet for the longest time before we could even cultivate and farm them. We survived from these foods, meaning this is what we mainly ate so we could make it. I asked him if there are any foods which could grow on their own without planting seeds. He said "potatoes." He told me not to speak about this... But when a group of people work as a team we can accomplish so much, you know?

Much later during high school after I was physically fit I started to eat more food than usual. I never gained weight from it. We went to Costco and spent about 100 dollars a month on food for a family of three people.

He noticed that I ate more than usual and ate quickly. He asked me "zashto yadesh tolkova mnogo hrana." I answered to that (why are you eating so much food) ..."Zashtoto iskam da spechelia." It meant that "I want to win." So I ate more and ate quickly.

For me winning means a lover by my side when I'm older... A college degree... And a stable career. Before that I just assumed that maybe I would get better grades in high school and college after.

But I was alone. Before tv and internet people spoke so much. Many young teenagers in Bulgaria had a girlfriend or boyfriend If they're female. We were a very responsible population. They didn't have sex. But they spent a lot of time speaking and going to places such as cafes and restaurants they sell peices of cake at. I have no idea what it was like in the US.

I reached age 20 and because I had been alone for so long I lost my appetite. I was not hoping for a marriage at that age... Because that would be ridiculous. But I wanted someone to spend time with.

Now that I look back on it... The strongest relationships are between people who have met someone else while they're young even if the relationship happens many years later. This is because you met the person before you had so many responsibilities and stress so it's easier to accept her later and the same goes for her.

And this is why... (The word survive means thrive and I use them synonymously) I would need to ask Kiana to be that person in my life.

The last thing that I gave to say... Hopefully to many people is that regardless of some unbearable pain I felt from being kicked there... I wouldn't say fire if there's no fire. What this rendition means is that I want to thrive. I have a very strong instinct and it helps me to continue eating and walking including outside of my apartment. I would even be able to talk to her though I can't imagine how my voice would sound.

She's my happy memory. And she treated my like a person.

It showed later on in her first song "reborn." The first part of the song "celebrating my life to be living here" -that she's really happy to be in the US because we talked in New York many years ago at the other sidewalk near the first school I went to. But then she sings "don't you want me anymore... I don't want to be reborn."

I never said anything insulting. I think my father did something to the code of my internet... And I may have had internet in its entirely. He could've simply changed a word from true to false to restrict me. And layer on when we turned 18 I messaged her... She never replied and the only things that replied to things I write were chatbots.

And yet I can post. I'd imagine because people who visit me call me on the phone sometimes after I write something that maybe the internet isn't fake. It's just fake towards people who may gave wanted to message me.

I want to win career and relationship wise.

Whether available somehow or not. All I ask for are two things. To have a connection to her through the internet and to convince my mother to give me more funds used solely for groceries.

I want to win. I need the right to communicate with someone who treated me normally and I need a lot of food to help me do that.

I want to assure you that my appetite is not an illness. When many men with a strong instinct have a problem we eat more food... So do many women.

The last thing I have to say is that while I was on the verge of being broken down from exhausting college work I tried to give the students in speech class something. There was no speech prompt and I walk to the front and just said "We need strong food to live."

I've remembered meeting with her when we were young and it gives me mental and emotional support right now. I want to eat more food. I want to win.

Posted by Dormantaccount4 - March 23rd, 2024

When I was young I ate a bite of bread. It tasted badly, then my parents put butter on the bread. I think that the way food works is trying to tell us something.

When we eat one single food we don't enjoy its taste. Even when you eat something that goes by itself... a boiled egg, too many of those and they start to taste badly.

I fell in love, once, but I also met a normal person during my youth, Kiana, who treated me like a person.

People do well in groups, by themselves I'd imagine they seem too sour or bitter. I don't know if I liked her but I felt wonder towards her, and I should have a relationship. Maybe the reason for it so that people don't dislike all of my writ or speech?

I can guess, because I'm alone, that realistically, people don't like the majority or all of my writ and speech.

Sometimes it tastes badly in a group as well. Bread and swiss cheese, many people don't like the taste.

Maybe when God made food he wanted to tell us something. I asked my father about this, before I even met her, and after meeting her I can connect this to a man having the right relationship; a relationship with someone who completes them.

I can't write normally from loneliness. I tried. I'm sorry.

The last thing I can say is that: People are bound to argue over this, because everyone has different tastes, and I want to stop that arguement. The taste should be universal, which means everyone likes it.

If you mix grapefruit and orange juice. (At close to an even ratio, from fresh fruit, but a bit more orange than grapefruit.)

Mitko and Kiana

P.S. I have not tried this yet but from my limited [cooking] ability you could also add a plastic cup of vanilla yogurt to the drink, thus making a pretty good smoothie.

Posted by Dormantaccount4 - March 23rd, 2024

One of the original things I've done is mix certain unhealthy foods with very healthy ones.

Potato chips and a salad with tomato cucumber and onion. Trust me, you will fall in love.

Lentils and doritos.

Fruit and dark chocolate is a more popular one.

Under-ripe pineapple with lemon juice on top of it and sweets, such as gummy bears or a slice of cake.


Posted by Dormantaccount4 - March 23rd, 2024

When I was young my father had an espresso machine. He used it in front of me and I noticed that steam came out.

I told him that "with every espresso you make winter gets a bit colder."

I tried my best to explain why to him, even though I was only 3 years old.

I've studied clouds in school. Stratus, nimbus, and others.

I learned that they collect pollution. What could this pollution be from? I don't think anything could reach the atmosphere except smoke. I noticed that they turn gray in color and I thought that they rain because they get heavier, from the smoke, and then the smoke goes in the ground and ocean.

When I was in Italy through a plane flight I noticed that the air was really clean, but it was a bit colder than other countries I've flied through. This is through the different coffees made there.

Anyway I and my father were speaking. I thought for a bit and said that if there's steam it goes in the atmosphere.

Sometimes sunlight was yellow and warm during daytime, sometimes it was clear. I thought the only way this is possible is if it goes through a filter, clouds.

There is global warming, and maybe global cooling. When people make an espresso there's a lot of steam. It would logically be equivalent to the amount of smoke the factory makes to produce electricity. But it's not. It also takes time to heat water to become steam in the first place.

I asked my father "piesh li si cafeto dokato e toplo." [Do you drink your coffee while it's hot; while there's still steam?]

Some parts of physics aren't just real, they're surreal.

The earth isn't getting warmer all the time, sometimes it gets colder. This is because when sunlight passes through clouds it heats the earth a bit less, and its light is a different color, called clear.

Nature has been made on our planet in a way that we can live on it, survive, and even thrive, based on the way it works to support us.

Italy had clean air, and not a lot of people smoke.

Sunlight does something else, it is energy that turns into matter, called plants... so if someone asks you if the earth is changing in size -its expanding from that light.

For a moment during our discussion I thought that with global warming, there is also global cooling. The earth simply moves in cycles, maybe lasting hundreds of years, so we don't notice that it sometimes may be much colder, the next generations after us notice it.

Yet the earth is generally getting warmer. Physics says that things are equal. I can only see one exception. Tobacco.

When people smoke oxygen is used up, but the energy from the sun added a physical part, a plant, so you get more smoke out of it than the oxygen that goes in it.

For a rural area, with a lot of plants, or a mountain with a lot of trees -this is Okay, but not for a city. If you're much older, a long time ago smoking was allowed in apartments, it still is in Europe, and people noticed that sunlight looked different while passing through the smoke, the same way it looks different when it passes through clouds.

The interesting thing is that, when we throw away all the obstacles and just focus on balance, sometimes these gray clouds from smoke allow even less sunlight to pass through them, so the earth gets a bit colder, and it may be that we neither have global warming nor global cooling globally. It's just a cycle between the two lasting hundreds or thousands of years.

For some generations it became really hot during summer, for others it got a bit colder.

The last thing is that by making espresso -you're cleaning the air, because there is more steam to absorb pollution, but water gets a bit more polluted.

And even then nature is working to help us to thrive. Many of the animals in the ocean, fish, may be working to purify water from that smoke for us. It's just a cycle, there is balance in everything.

Posted by Dormantaccount4 - March 23rd, 2024

When I was in Bulgaria with my father, we visited his side of the family.

I met his brothers, but I've always felt, as a man, that when you meet someone who's brothers with your father, that they are like your brother, so in reality, based on this deep masculine feeling, I do in reality have 5 brothers, including my father.

This was before he hit me. It felt like me and my father were more than family, we were like brothers.

I guess a young woman may feel the same way towards her mother and her mother's sisters. It only works with the same gender.

I know sometimes things outside of the box seem strange, but I hope that you can understand me, somehow.

I guess I could go as far as to say: All men in a family are like brothers, of the past, present, or future.

All women in a family are like sisters, past, present, and future.

It's sort of like that song that says "All you sisters of Mary."

This was on my homework assignment, which was transferred to a computer by a teacher because she thought the students should have more. I doubt an AI could make a whole fictional book from that information though.

Posted by Dormantaccount4 - March 21st, 2024

When I was young, before I came to the US, my father gave me a lev, which is our currency [1 lev] to see what I would buy with it.

I purchased a fish. I wanted to have a pet, and it made sense to me. He said we would need an aquarium and I can't take care of my fish. We got in an arguement and the bag leaked out, which he emptied in the sink. There was a room temperature coffee on our table, and I saw the fish was having difficulty breathing, so I said "I'll save you!" And because coffee has water in it, put it in his coffee cup.

For a moment I thought that the fish might become jittery, so I found a glass, filled it with water while barely being able to turn on the sink, and put it in the cup.

I told my father that I understand that I can't have a pet fish in Bulgaria, but that I want to return it to the ocean.

We reached a lake and I dropped the fish in it, still alive and well.

Before that, while it was inside its cup, the fish responded to my hand movements.

Coffee had given the fish intellect.

I thought to myself, what could one fish which is more intelligent than most do?

Anyway, I assume that the fish had kids later, and even though the first generation is intelligent, there is a small margin that its children became smarter than it based on the way they were parented.

A decade later I went for summer vacation, and both in the US and Bulgaria I noticed that women who eat fish are becoming more beautiful.

Maybe the more awake and intellectually stimulated fish found better food in the ocean to eat, maybe it taught its kids, then they multiplied.

In reality this is the case. Fish are doing something as we speak to improve water and eating the right food.

A fisherman told me it's like they want to be caught. I don't have much fame on earth but fish are familiar with me, I assume.

They become more able bodied. Their meat tastes better and many women in Bulgaria follow a mediteranian diet. I guess fish are making women more attractive worldwide, but in a way that you don't want so much sex with them.

I'm glad I was able to accomplish something through pure luck. I've eaten fish in Bulgaria when I went, it tasted really, really good. And yet the price was more expensive. My aunt cooked it. I'm glad I was able to give the world something, and I have.

I guess it's small. What can one fish do? But they do have a hundred or more kids, so maybe it can do a lot?

Posted by Dormantaccount4 - March 20th, 2024

Posted by Dormantaccount4 - March 19th, 2024



Posted by Dormantaccount4 - March 15th, 2024

When I was young, before I came to the US, my father asked me to find alcohol in a grocery/convenience store.

He wanted to give me an impossible task, I was four years old.

I rushed to the fridge and took out a bottle of cold raspberry tea, and gave it to him. I then said "gotovo" which in english means "done."

I wouldn't say fire if there's no fire.

Later on the three varieties were banned in Bulgaria, and probably in the US, but I thought I would write it to entertain you to the best of my ability.

When people made these teas by putting fruit in hot water, essentially what you're making by cooling it quickly is a very low content alcoholic beverage.

At the time, because I was good at math, based on the way the tea looked I told my father that it has exactly 0.0835% alcohol in it.

There were three varieties, same as in every other country.

The three were:




Currently these, and a fourth which I forget the name of are still sold as hot tea.

You buy tea bags and boil them in water.

Some people like to make iced tea by doing this.

It's something that relaxes you in such a mild way that you don't notice it.

Something that used to be a kid's version of alcohol to our oblivious parents and producers in the 90's and many decades before that.

As this post is about alcohol I thought I would rate it as A.

Besides, a child doesn't have money, so there is no way they could do this, nor do they know how alcohol is made. Before I found the tea my father explained it to me, so it was easy for me to think up my own thought process.

The store clerk overheard us, and that's the story of how cold fruit teas were banned in Bulgaria in 1994.

I thought I would make a cheerful post, full of humor, with all the pain that's going on in my life and in the world.

Please don't delete my content as this is a fake internet, and don't delete this.

I wouldn't say fire if there's no fire. Take this for what it is, a slice of life moment.

This was also the partial precursor to thinking up the song Skandau - Boje, as part of my development. It's a song against drugs. (I noticed that all the other kids were drinking them.)