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Dormantaccount4's News

Posted by Dormantaccount4 - February 24th, 2024

When I was young, in Bulgaria, me and my father spoke about tobacco.

I think this would be a bad thing to do. That tobacco is harmful.

We had a long conversation and a friend of his was a part of it.

They explained something to me about flavors and menthol in smoking products.

That companies are planning to put these things in tobacco.

His friend, who was an experienced smoker explained the calming effect of menthol or fruit.

I replied "I think this is a negative way of thinking." If you put something in smoke, doesn't it decrease a person's ability to react to the harmful effect of tobacco?"

He asked me to explain.

I replied "Okay so if someone is smoking, and there's any flavor that masks their tobacco smoke as what it is, maybe they don't cough, but they're taking in too much with each puff, more than they should. And they don't cough, because their body can't tell them that what they're doing is harming it."

A while later menthol and fruit flavors started being added. Fortunately they were banned though.

Experienced smokers now know since the 90's, because of me, the least harmful type of tobacco is clear, no additives in it.

I don't recommend smoking but I think this applies to vaporizers as well. The least harmful type is clear, because you notice how much nicotine your body is taking in. Your body can react to it and tell you that this is harming it. That you should stop or at least slow down.

Any flavor added to something such as tobacco or alcohol is negative, because, for people who smoke or drink, they don't notice how much they're taking into their body. So they drink too much, or smoke too much.

I guess they would have health problems.

They don't cough now, but they cough more later.

The only other thing I can think of is nicotine gum. Sometimes these have flavors added to them. It should be used to quit not as a replacement. The only flavor which can be beneficial to society is clear, nothing added.

I don't think that a smoking aid to help someone stop smoking should be a replacement.

It would be good if we removed these additions to it, and just kept clear nicotine gum.

I was very young at the time, and I didn't know much about society, because I was a child, when I explained it to my father. He understood me, however this is just a memory, and because of my limited knowledge in it, can be taken lightly. I didn't have experience in the world. It's just a memory.

Don't smoke.

When something is newer people don't know how to think because they aren't used to it. They need more time to catch up to something that's older.

Posted by Dormantaccount4 - February 23rd, 2024

At first I thought, because the scrape from when I ran my fingers at the side-bed post after being offered wine wouldn't heal, what if we put rubbing alcohol?

But then I was creative, the way a child is.

We made coffee and waited for it to cool. I put a drop of coffee on my finger and miraculously in a day it actually healed up.

I'm not sure about my previous post. Maybe coffee hydrates you.

I want people to know that the things we have been given have more uses than people think.

After rubbing a drop of coffee on my finger... it healed up.

See previous post here:


Posted by Dormantaccount4 - February 20th, 2024


Posted by Dormantaccount4 - February 19th, 2024

When I was young a person in Bulgaria gave me a test.

He offered me a glass of wine to see what a child would do. If they're responsible or not.

I didn't do anything except lay in bed.

I touched the wooden frame of the bed, and a small part of it was sharp so I laid there with a small scrape on my finger.

He walked back inside and asked if I wanted to drink it or not. It may have just been cranberry juice.

I said nothing and then he said "You need to make a decision."

I understood what he said differently than anyone else would and replied "I understand."

I think that these things -coffee, tea, and alcohol, dry your brain, so what he meant was that a person [during their adulthood] should decide. "Will this help me by removing pain more than it will harm me by temporarily making me have less water in my body and especially brain?"

So. These things should be used responsibly and not turned into a habit.

Our bodies have limits. When we shower with hot water if we make it hotter it starts to feel cold. If we shower with cold water and make it too cold we feel like we're burning. I've never asked a medical professional why and maybe they would need to answer this question.

As for water in the body and brain, I guess the safest thing to do would be to drink a glass of cold water if you feel small pain.

For serious pain I would recommend a doctor's visit, but sometimes they can't speak on the phone because of it, so a small amount of strong alcohol is okay.

Obviously I am not a medical professional so everything I say can be taken lightly, not to be confused with reality.

This is something I thought up when I was young and there are bound to be flaws in it. For some reason I think this post should be rated E for everyone, because many times we see our relatives drink coffee or a glass of wine. Sometimes we see it in films on television.

You're free to edit the speech hopefully keeping some or most of the content.

The last thing is that I don't think the people who treat pain this way, by drinking alcohol, or having coffee or tea in order to think should be harmed. It should just be explained to them -That they're doing something harmful.

Posted by Dormantaccount4 - February 15th, 2024

While no one was in the room, at night. It was calming. I tried practicing giving a speech. It's private but it was really beautiful and heartwarming the way I formed the words.

(This was during high school.)

Posted by Dormantaccount4 - February 15th, 2024

I don't think this has to do with aliens from the previous post which is for Adults Only but during my childhood I spoke with my mom about planets.

She said Venus has rain and that it's made of water. I looked up at the sky through the window. It was blue. I thought about it and said that if there's a lot of something, even something very small, like air, it will always make a color. I thought about colors when I was young. Earlier she made creme caramel which had too much sugar. Sugar is a clear color but it looked white to my strong eyes.

I asked her "If Venus is made of water how can it have rain? It would need to have clouds, it would need a place between the water and clouds for rain to fall. It's blue, like earth and the album cover of my favorite song which I heard in Bulgaria. It would have to have oxygen. Maybe our temperature readings are completely wrong, and we don't know almost anything about the planets around us. What temperature does Venus need to be for it to make clouds that fall as rain? If it's too cold there wouldn't be clouds. If it's too hot there wouldn't be rain in between their formation and rainfall. I don't think a planet entirely made of water would have gravity even though I don't know how space works." I was on the verge of saying something that would complete my theory, but my father had hit me so I was not able to say any more.

"If we were able to make a large body of hydrogen and look at it from a distance would we be able to see the color?"

"If we made a large amount of helium would we be able to see the color under sunlight?"

The only last thing I said after she explained why it's not possible to do this is "What if we looked at something that's small under a microscopic while somehow keeping it in an area with a machine that traps it and beams light at it. Would we be able to see its color?

We had talked about the periodic table of elements before, and this is what lead to this conversation. That and what she said about Venus. I was 3 years old I think.

The only other thing I said is that maybe Nasa has taken photos of earth, but each time the clouds have been in the wrong place, and maybe in time it would make a photo where our planet is made entirely of blue and white. A sphere.

The final thing I told my mother is "I think you're right that the rain on Venus is acidic, but maybe it's still growing, and in time that water will become neutral [ph.]" I added "What if it has land?"

Later on in school I learned that when water becomes a cloud it purifies the water of polluted things. Where is the acid going during the thousands of years that Venus' water becomes less acidic. Maybe it reaches the outside of the atmosphere at the top. Maybe it would form a ring?

Acidic water needs a different temperature to make clouds, but maybe as the acid leaves the atmosphere and forms a ring, Venus becomes the same temperature as earth?

Posted by Dormantaccount4 - February 14th, 2024

Before my father hit me, when I was much younger, he showed me our balcony.

I was thinking clearly and I said that I'm glad we have this.

There are people outside, sometimes cars. We feel like we are a part of the group because we can see the outside while we are at home. We are both inside our apartment and outside so I think it's an important space for buildings to have. But we were on either the third or fourth floor. If we were on the first like we are now it would be better.

We discussed drinks and I said "I think I found a new use for wine." When it's the beginning of summer people can have a glass of white wine, before it gets too hot. It warms you and you sweat less when it's get warmer. You have to do laundry less often. We're warm-blooded. I studied that later but he explained it. I said that I think this has to do with homeostatis, but it doesn't work both ways, because we're warm-blooded. No one can survive cold temperatures without something, clothes and a heat source, but for example when we drink a hot coffee in winter to warm from the inside, it doesn't make our bodies cool themselves. We continue staying warm, the coffee simply becomes a less hot temperature inside of us until it matches the temperature of our bodies.

I don't know how far this memory went. I saw a woman in her front porch with a glass of white wine a few summers ago.

During my youth we sat on the balcony again and he said "kakfo moje da go rasipe?" [What could ruin this?]

I replied that I think it has to do with food. Our diet. Maybe some people are eating the wrong foods during different seasons. Fruit is good in summer. In the winter it would be meat. It's cold on the truck, so it stays fresh. I get that we need a balanced diet, but maybe when people originally thought this up they meant during our lifetime, not with every meal we eat daily. Just changing to something different from time to time. The same food groups for a few weeks, aside from sugar, salt, and animal fat, are fine. But you should always make sure to put different things in your routine during meals during the year.

He said this is a very new way of thinking.

We talked some more. If someone drinks a glass of white wine beginning summer, they get hotter, later on they feel less hot during summer. If someone drinks a hot coffee they cool off... this one, because it's not from being heated from chemicals but from the pure temperature of your coffee is easier to notice early, a few hours after you drank that coffee.

Sometimes summer is difficult, and people need cold water. Sometimes other seasons aside from winter when you feel thirsty you shouldn't drink something hot, because you feel discomfort. You need water. And it needs to be room temp, cold even except during winter.

During summer, there is something that proved my theory. A person drank something cold. They need it and if in need it's always good to consume what your body is telling you to. So they drank a cold soda. They feel better, but they sweat shortly after.

We continued speaking.

People have favorite foods. How often do you eat your favorite food? It's your favorite. Why don't you always choose it? It could be something complex or simple. Your body is telling your brain... after memories of eating various foods... "I need this vitamin, or I need this nutrient. You have to eat this. It's important for me to have this." And then the person buys it at a grocery store and consumes it, or cooks it beforehand if it needs to be prepared as a dish.

This was our whole conversation which lasted during a few days.

I was growing, since I was in my youth, I had freedom to think in ways that many people don't, aside from young people.

Young people don't know many things about the world but we can create new things. Sometimes people may have made these things before.

There are medical books. "Alcohol heats you, what it's really doing is cooling you." Maybe they meant that it does in fact make you feel warmer, but your body tries to change the effect. It's un-natural. Through a chemical. So in reality it cools you.

This isn't as fancy as thinking up something which could make money. Romantic technology. But it is what it is. I guess I could say that if you want a new viewpoint on something, the only thing you need to do is ask your children during their youth. Especially if you have never harmed them, because we're really thinking. And we speak in simple words, I heard her beautiful song. My first language was surprisingly english, even though I didn't know many of the words. I was learning Bulgarian. So I spoke simply.

I heard her song while still in my mother's womb. Maybe it made me intelligent. Maybe not. I don't really know.

After we're hit we question things we made, but our brains are harmed from the hit, so we make mistakes. We critique what we've said/discussed, but it was said perfectly the first time we said it.

"I want to make romantic technology you can use to look at a woman's body by rolling your eyes so that you don't see her shape that removes lust from relationships." Before he hit me he said that I'm very romantic. This explained the general thing I thought up. He hit me, but before that I asked either him or my mother "Romantic technology... how much money could this make?"

I wouldn't say fire if there's no fire. I don't think someone should be imprisoned or harmed for sharing a normal memory of their childhood. Many people mature a few years faster than others during their youth and I don't mean towards things that aren't normal.

Aside from that. Maybe eating the wrong foods during different seasons causes acne. This was my childhood theory, the last thing I told him. If it's hot. If it's cold.

Posted by Dormantaccount4 - February 13th, 2024

Food, how does it taste?

Posted by Dormantaccount4 - February 8th, 2024

When I was young in High School I was quite muscular for a teenager and I saw an elderly woman who was not able to cross the street.

She had a walker and I looked at it and thought maybe these were made this way for some specific reason.

They have two wheels in the front and a place for sitting. I explained that she can sit on it while I pull it by the wheels so she can cross the street. [Because it was too far for her to walk during green light.]

Only two people saw me. No one knows. One of which was a bodybuilder.

Anyway I pulled the walker and helped her cross.

After that the bodybuilder helped through the rest of the streets while I returned home from school.

I think these were made for this purpose a long time ago when there were less intersections but the distance was long.

I am very comfortable posting this on the fake internet.

Posted by Dormantaccount4 - February 7th, 2024

my father was cruel towards me sometimes.

But we spoke about careers during my youth in Bulgaria, before arriving here. I replied that I think it's important in any economy or place for people to know that all of us are working for each-other [as a team.] You can't drive a truck without fuel, and you would have nothing to transport without someone growing it.