I have pain all over the body and no one will prescribe me opiates.
As the decades pass do you know what that's called? Torture. (And because I have pain and can only lay down this is being written for me through technology, so is eating, breathing, going to the bathroom, just about everything, sleeping as well.)
I'll wait the 30 minutes to post this.
I have a tension headache by the way. And I've had a tension headache for the past decade and a half. I didn't know what it was called, though.
I found a new med... excedrin, hopefully there's something in it that helps.
Since I don't know where you live I don't know what medical professionals can legally prescribe to you, but an acquaintance of mine has had good experienced with cannabis.
(This isn't meant as a "funny weed joke" or anything. They said it worked quite well for them when they pretty much had to overdose aspirin and Ibuprofen did nothing at all for them.)
Here's how it happened.
During some plane flight, I think with Italy, transferring flight, the volume level on headphones went up all the way to 99. I decided to play music and turned it on. The volume was at 52. For some reason I think people made plane audio in a malicious way, that it was intentional.
When someone thinks up something great, romantic technology, that can make billions of dollars, unfortunately there are bound to be problems and harm.
This is how I went legally deaf. The US has technology... you can hear through it, but after the brain being damaged it degrades. After this happened a bully named Micheal made me deaf-er in PS17 by pinning me to the floor, sticking a q tip in my right ear, showing me the blood, and I couldn't handle the way sound felt, so I played loud music in front of my computer...
Without being able to hear sound normally, even past some level of deafness borderline, I can't work, so I'm going to be homeless.
Micheal, the bully, also bent my finger and when I place my hands straight my fingers curve upwards as a result of that. The patient in Elmhurst hospital did the same thing to my finger as an adult, so I'd imagine the people targeting me want my hands to be able to bend backwards, joints wise with curved bones. I can't enjoy sound and that includes music. I can't work.
It continued with being injured in the genitals. People say that we need a companion, a lover, to work, and I can't have that. It's not even a matter of being able to have sex or not, but being able to feel what I should from it.
There's a fourth thing but I'm uncomfortable sharing it on the internet, the last thing. It's a major problem. I'll summarize it's effect along with the rest of the other three. Pain.