When I was young, in Bulgaria, me and my father spoke about tobacco.
I think this would be a bad thing to do. That tobacco is harmful.
We had a long conversation and a friend of his was a part of it.
They explained something to me about flavors and menthol in smoking products.
That companies are planning to put these things in tobacco.
His friend, who was an experienced smoker explained the calming effect of menthol or fruit.
I replied "I think this is a negative way of thinking." If you put something in smoke, doesn't it decrease a person's ability to react to the harmful effect of tobacco?"
He asked me to explain.
I replied "Okay so if someone is smoking, and there's any flavor that masks their tobacco smoke as what it is, maybe they don't cough, but they're taking in too much with each puff, more than they should. And they don't cough, because their body can't tell them that what they're doing is harming it."
A while later menthol and fruit flavors started being added. Fortunately they were banned though.
Experienced smokers now know since the 90's, because of me, the least harmful type of tobacco is clear, no additives in it.
I don't recommend smoking but I think this applies to vaporizers as well. The least harmful type is clear, because you notice how much nicotine your body is taking in. Your body can react to it and tell you that this is harming it. That you should stop or at least slow down.
Any flavor added to something such as tobacco or alcohol is negative, because, for people who smoke or drink, they don't notice how much they're taking into their body. So they drink too much, or smoke too much.
I guess they would have health problems.
They don't cough now, but they cough more later.
The only other thing I can think of is nicotine gum. Sometimes these have flavors added to them. It should be used to quit not as a replacement. The only flavor which can be beneficial to society is clear, nothing added.
I don't think that a smoking aid to help someone stop smoking should be a replacement.
It would be good if we removed these additions to it, and just kept clear nicotine gum.
I was very young at the time, and I didn't know much about society, because I was a child, when I explained it to my father. He understood me, however this is just a memory, and because of my limited knowledge in it, can be taken lightly. I didn't have experience in the world. It's just a memory.
Don't smoke.
When something is newer people don't know how to think because they aren't used to it. They need more time to catch up to something that's older.